Winter Blues: Boat Rentals on Lake Wylie with Winter Enclosure

Fighting the winter blues is tough. We are ready for the season to get started!
During the off-season we have enjoyed a few snow flurries but we haven’t been sitting idle. We’re gearing up for our best season yet in 2019!
We currently have two of our pontoons up for sale in order to turn them over with brand new pontoons! (Click the link to view some photos and more info).
Also, we have been working on our digital platform and booking software to increase our user’s ease of booking. This is very important to us. We are the only rental boat fleet on Lake Wylie with a fully integrated online booking software. We want that technology to be easy for everyone to use and understand.
This year we have implemented ‘Digital Smart Waivers’. No more filling out lengthy release waivers at the dock. You will be able to do that before your reservation online! …and we get to save some trees and our environment at the same time. Win Win!
We are going to train some new staff at the dock before the season gets started and make sure that your check-in process continues to be quick and orderly.
If you have any questions or want to make a suggestion for us, just drop us a line!